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Your Story Hour

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Saturday Morning : "Your Story Hour" Time

We are very happy to officially anounce our cooperation with Aunt Nikki, and Uncle Jon, the hosts of Your Story Hour.Aunt Nikki Uncle Jon

The stories of Your Story Hour have been narrated by beloved Aunts and Uncles for years and years.
All of these wonderful hosts have been dedicated to sharing the good news of God's love and the benefits of wise decision-making with children around the world.
Aunt Nikki, faithfully listened to Your Story Hour stories over and over again on road trips when she was growing up.
Uncle Jon, listened to the stories on records and cassettes when he was a boy, and was very excited to join the "Your Story Time" ministry in an age of CDs and MP3s.


How Your Story Hour began...

In the 1940's a small group of people was concerned about character development of youth in their Southwestern Michigan community. 
But what could they do?  
Someone proposed the perfect idea: a Saturday afternoon story hour!
This would get children off the streets and teach them positive character traits. Soon a gang of neighborhood kids met weekly above the local fire department to hear Bible and true-to-life stories.
The story hour was a huge success! 
Those in charge began praying for a way to organize story hours across the country, when someone heard a radio evangelist confess a need for children’s radio programming.  
The story hour’s director contacted WHFB, a local radio station, whose manager was enthusiastic about the idea. YourStoryHour
"If you folks can adapt what you have for radio," he said, "I'll give you a half-hour of free broadcast time!"

After a couple years, the producers decided to pre-record programs.  Your Story Hour’s first recording studio was constructed in the script-writer’s basement by hanging blankets and mattresses around the room! 
As the ministry grew (by 1974, Your Story Hour was aired on 500 stations!), so did its needs.  But God continued to provide the personnel, buildings, and finances at just the right time.
By God’s blessing, Your Story Hour has expanded to thousands of stations.

And now Your Story Time can also be found every Saturday on Eagle Wings Online Radio.

Again, Welcome "Your Story Time" !!!!
We are very happy to be working side by side in the fields of Adonai.

37 Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
38 Therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest that He may send out workers into His harvest field.” (TLV Mat. 9:37-38)

Pst Chris.

Every Saturday Morning between 10 - 12 Central Time

More info can be found right here


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