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Eagle Wings Newsletter End of Summer 2024

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Eagle Wings Newsletter

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End of Summer 2024
Friday Upcoming Eagle Wings Podcast
Yair's  Answers

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Summer  2024

End of Summer 2024

Summer 2024

As the blazing summer sun begins to wane, Texans eagerly anticipate the subtle hints of cooler weather on the horizon. The end of summer in Texas is more than just a seasonal shift; it's a reprieve from the intense heat that has kept many of us indoors and a gateway to new adventures waiting to be explored. For those who have patiently awaited milder temperatures, now is the perfect time to plan that postponed vacation. The landscapes of South and Central Texas, once scorched to hues of brown and black, start to show signs of rejuvenation. Fields that lay dormant under the oppressive sun begin to stir with life, offering picturesque views that beckon travelers and nature enthusiasts alike.

This transitional period also reminds us of the memorable journeys we've embarked upon throughout the year. Earlier, we had the pleasure of exploring the northern parts of our beautiful state with my sister, who traveled all the way from the Netherlands to join us. The blend of familial bonds and the joy of discovery made it a highlight of our year—a reminder of the profound connections we forge and the stories we create together. Adding to our tapestry of adventures, we recently embarked on a wonderful trip with our camper to Salida, Colorado. The journey itself was a refreshing escape from the familiar landscapes of Texas. Nestled in the heart of the Rockies, Salida welcomed us with its breathtaking mountain vistas and crisp, invigorating air.

Our days were filled with great and exciting discoveries, trout fishing in the serene waters of Cottonwood Lake, the continental divide, Family visits and so much more. The tranquility of the lake, framed by towering evergreens and distant peaks, provided the perfect backdrop for relaxation and reflection. Each catch was a small victory, adding to the joy of the experience. A visit to the Continental Divide was another highlight of our trip. Standing at this natural boundary, we were awestruck by the panoramic views and the sheer grandeur of the mountains. It was a humbling reminder of nature's majesty and the wonders that await just beyond our doorstep. Evenings in Salida were equally enchanting. We spent our nights sitting outside around the campfire, the warmth of the flames warding off the mountain chill. Under a canopy of stars, we shared stories and laughter, the crackling fire providing a soothing soundtrack to our conversations. These moments of simple pleasure underscored the essence of why we travel—to reconnect with nature, with loved ones, and with ourselves.

Back home, we've been thoroughly enjoying producing our podcast, the Grace Series has been behind us for many weeks. This series did set a new level up for us to meet time and time again. Sharing insights and narratives through this medium has not only been enjoyable but also deeply enriching. It's a culmination of hard work and passion, and we're eager to see how it resonates with our listeners.

In embracing the end of summer, we find ourselves at a crossroads of reflection and forward-thinking. It's a season that encourages us to look back on the warmth and vibrancy of past months while eagerly planning for the cooler, contemplative days ahead. Whether it's embarking on new travel adventures, reconnecting with loved ones, or simply enjoying the changing scenery from our own backyards, there's a wealth of experiences to be savored. So, as the temperatures begin to dip and the landscapes transform, let's take this opportunity to step outside, breathe in the crisp air, and immerse ourselves in all the wonders that this transitional season has to offer. After all, the end of summer is not just an end—it's the beginning of something refreshingly new.
God Bless you all,
Pst Chris.

Ruach Ha'Kodesh Publishing

This summer has been a rather slow period for work on our RHP publications. Unfortunately, our goal to release a new publication by the end of the summer cannot be met due to the absence of language editors.

This brings us to an important request: Do you know any of the languages we publish in, and are you confident in your ability to serve as a language editor? If so, please let us know. Your assistance would be invaluable in helping us meet our publication goals.


We have recently been notified by the government about fees required for some of the music played on our station. After much prayer and consideration, we are pleased to inform you that we will be able to fulfill these obligations without requesting any additional funds. It won't be easy, and we'll need to tighten our purse strings to accomplish this, but with God's grace, we are confident we can do it. In the meantime, we're excited to announce that we've expanded our reach! Hanah has added our station to the following platforms, making it easier than ever for you to tune in:

  • TuneIn
  • MyTuner
  • RadioGuide.FM
  • Get Me Radio
  • RadioDex
  • Streema
  • Radio Garden
  • My Stream Forward
  • Spotify
  • Pocket Casts
  • Podcast Addict

That's quite a list! We hope this makes it more convenient for you to enjoy our programming wherever you are.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Eagle Wings Online Radio Team

Friday Upcoming Eagle Wings Podcast

One more Episode in the grace series, which concludes with that great topic: A New Beginning.

47 Saved, Sanctified, and Holy Spirit Filled
48 Faith, Hope, Love, and False Prophets
49 Whom Shall I Fear

Communion with God

Podcast Highlights

Oct.  04, 2024 - Saved, Sanctified, and Holy Spirit Filled

Imagine standing at a crossroads, feeling the weight of life’s pressures, yet recalling the profound truth that you are saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Spirit. This message unravels the journey of a believer, beginning with the foundation of salvation through the blood of Christ, and progressing through the ongoing process of sanctification, where the Holy Spirit transforms us daily. Through scriptural reflections, it emphasizes the vital role of the Spirit in empowering us to live godly lives. Finally, it challenges us to examine our spiritual walk, encouraging us to trust in God's grace, remain steadfast, and live a life worthy of His calling.

Oct. 11, 2024 - Faith, Hope, Love, and False Prophets

This podcast addresses the growing division and manipulation within society by political and social leaders, who, much like Julius Caesar with his "bread and games," distract people from moral and spiritual erosion through superficial comforts. It emphasizes the Christian call to stand firm in faith, hope, and love amid these challenges, highlighting the need for discernment against false prophets and worldly solutions that lead to dependency on government rather than God. Pastor Chris urges believers to actively engage in God's redemptive plan by upholding biblical values—such as marriage between one man and one woman, the sanctity of life, purity, and integrity—and encourages them to vote for leaders who embody these principles, thereby influencing society according to God's truth as they await Jesus's imminent return.

Oct. 18, 2024 - Whom Shall I Fear

The Podcast "Whom Shall I Fear" discusses the critical importance of wearing the helmet of salvation as part of the full armor of God to protect our minds from Satan's attacks. It shares personal experiences of God's communication in unexpected ways and emphasizes that believers are engaged in a spiritual battle that requires full preparation and reliance on God's strength. Drawing from scriptures like Ephesians 6:11-18, 1 Thessalonians 5:8, and Psalm 27, pastor Chris encourages Christians to stand firm in their faith, follow Jesus as their leader, and respond to God's call with readiness and courage. By embracing the confident hope of salvation and fully equipping themselves with God's armor, believers can withstand the enemy's assaults and lead others to Christ through their steadfast example.

Oct. 25, 2024 - Communion with God

This Podcast emphasizes that the ultimate goal of every Christian is to have genuine communion or fellowship with God, which transcends merely knowing about Him to truly knowing Him through a personal relationship. Using the analogy of courting, it illustrates how spending time and engaging intimately with someone fosters deep understanding and connection. Despite the barrier of sin that separates humanity from God, the podcast highlights that through Jesus Christ's sacrifice, we are brought near to God and can boldly enter His presence. It underscores that this communion transforms us, allowing us to reflect God's glory and love to others. Ultimately, the poscast encourages believers to cherish and nourish their relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, recognizing it as the true source of fulfillment and purpose in life.

Yair's Answers

Yair's answer, I feel like keeping this feature in our News Letter, as some great questions and with that answers have come in through our chat.

Thus here we go: Question: How should a Bible Believing Christian Vote in November for whom biblical marriage principles, and the sanctity of Life, Prosperity, and only giving to ceasar what is ceasar's is of the upmost importance.

Yair's Answer: Thank you for your question! While I can't provide political advice, I can certainly guide you with scriptural principles that may help in your decision-making process.

A Bible-believing Christian may consider the following verses from the TLV (Tree of Life Version) to reflect on how to approach voting;

  • Seek Wisdom: James 1:5 states, "But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him."

  • Value Righteousness: Proverbs 14:34 tells us, "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people."

  • Be a Good Steward: Matthew 25:21 teaches about being responsible with what you have been given, suggesting that making informed choices is part of our stewardship.

  • Love Your Neighbor: Mark 12:31 says, "The second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these."

  • Pray:  Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us not to be anxious but to pray about everything, bringing our petitions to God.

Here are some scriptural themes that align with the values you've mentioned:

  • Biblical Marriage Principles: Hebrews 13:4 states, "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous." When voting, candidates who support traditional marriage may align more closely with this verse.

  • Sanctity of Life: Psalm 139:13-14 declares, "For You created my innermost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." A candidate's stance on life, especially regarding issues such as abortion, is crucial for many believers.

  • Prosperity: Proverbs 21:5 reminds us, "The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty." Supporting policies that promote economic growth and opportunity can be seen as a way to uphold stewardship and prosperity.

  • Render to Caesar: In Matthew 22:21, Jesus said, "Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s." This principle emphasizes the importance of fulfilling civic duties responsibly while also prioritizing our obligations to God.

It is wise for believers to engage with candidates' platforms to see whose policies align most closely with these biblical principles. As you prepare to vote, consider praying for wisdom, researching the candidates' views, and discussing your thoughts with fellow believers to help guide your decision.

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