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Messianic Christianity

Messianic Christianity represents a significant and growing movement within both the Jewish and Gentile communities, characterized by a unique fusion of Christian and Jewish beliefs and practices. This movement is marked by a harmonious blending of traditions, where Jewish and Gentile worshippers maintain their distinct identities while coming together in a unified congregation. This fusion reflects a deeper understanding and appreciation of the roots of the Christian faith, as well as a respect for the rich heritage of Jewish worship and customs.

torah 2022 08 01 05 13 01 utcAt the core of Messianic Christianity is the belief in Jesus as the Messiah, a belief that shapes its theological and eschatological perspectives. Messianic Jews, along with their Gentile counterparts in the movement, hold specific beliefs concerning pivotal events in Christian eschatology, such as the End of Days, the Second Coming of Jesus as the conquering Messiah, the re-gathering of Israel, the rebuilding of a Third Temple in Jerusalem, and the resurrection of the dead. These beliefs are deeply intertwined with traditional Jewish thought and prophecy, providing a unique lens through which both the Old and New Testaments are interpreted.

A key aspect of Messianic Christianity is the interpretation of Jewish holidays and the Torah in the context of Jesus as the Messiah. Many adherents believe that the Jewish festivals, as outlined in the Torah, are prophetic in nature and point towards the Messiah. This perspective holds that festivals such as Pesach (Passover) and Shavuot (Feast of Weeks) were fulfilled in the first coming of Jesus, while Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) will find their fulfillment in his second coming. This interpretation offers a rich, prophetic dimension to these festivals, deepening the spiritual significance and understanding for believers.

The observance of the Sabbath and Biblical holidays is another distinctive feature of Messianic Christianity. While traditional Christianity typically does not observe these holidays in the way Judaism does, within Messianic Christianity, there is a strong emphasis on the importance of these observances. This perspective respects the individual's calling to adhere to Sabbath observance and the celebration of Biblical holidays. It is believed that these practices not only honor the historical and cultural roots of the faith but also provide a deeper, more meaningful engagement with the scriptural narrative.

As a proponent of this movement, I believe it is crucial for Christians who feel called to observe the Sabbath and Biblical holidays to have the freedom to do so. This freedom allows for a more authentic and personal expression of faith, one that respects and honors the rich heritage from which Christianity emerged. It encourages believers to explore and embrace the Jewish roots of their faith, enriching their spiritual journey and deepening their understanding of the scriptures.

In summary, Messianic Christianity is a dynamic and evolving expression of faith that bridges Jewish and Christian traditions, offering a unique and enriching perspective on the Christian faith. It emphasizes the fulfillment of Jewish prophecy through Jesus, the importance of understanding the Jewish roots of Christianity, and the freedom for individual believers to embrace these roots in their personal spiritual practices.





The Messianic Movement and Back to Our Roots

Integrating the Messianic Jewish movement and the "Back to our Roots" ethos into the framework of Eagle Wings Charismatic Ministries International (EWCMI) presents a harmonious and enriching blend of spiritual practices and beliefs.

EWCMI, under the leadership, of Pastor Chris, is dedicated to exploring and understanding the origins and roots of the Christian/Messianic faith. This exploration aligns seamlessly with the principles and practices of the Messianic Jewish movement.

EWCMI's commitment to spreading the Gospel and providing a deeper understanding of the origins of Christianity finds a strong parallel in the Messianic Jewish movement. This movement emphasizes the Jewish context of Jesus' teachings, which is crucial for comprehending the full depth and breadth of the Christian faith. By acknowledging and embracing the Jewish roots of Christianity, EWCMI can offer a more comprehensive and historically grounded perspective to its congregation and followers.

messianicThe Messianic Jewish movement's approach to worship and scripture, which includes the use of Hebrew liturgy, the observance of Biblical feasts, and the celebration of the Sabbath on Saturday, can enrich the spiritual practices within EWCMI. These elements can provide a tangible connection to the early Christian church and its Jewish heritage, thereby enhancing the congregation's understanding and appreciation of the faith's historical foundations.

Moreover, the Messianic Jewish movement's stance on maintaining Jewish identity while acknowledging Jesus as the Messiah resonates with EWCMI's vision of fostering a deeper understanding of Christian origins. This stance challenges and expands traditional Christian perspectives, offering a more inclusive and historically informed approach to faith. It allows believers, both Jewish and Gentile, to explore the rich tapestry of Christian history and its Jewish roots, thus fostering a more profound and authentic faith experience.

Incorporating these elements into EWCMI's teachings and practices can significantly contribute to achieving your goals, Dr. Christiaan J. de Ruiter, of enriching the spiritual lives of your congregation. It provides a unique opportunity to explore the interconnectedness of Judaism and Christianity, thereby offering a richer, more nuanced understanding of the Christian faith and its Jewish origins.

By embracing the principles of the Messianic Jewish movement and the "Back to our Roots" philosophy, EWCMI stands at the forefront of a deeper, more historically grounded exploration of Christian faith, offering valuable insights and spiritual enrichment to its community.


Supersessionism, A Complex Theological Stance

Historical Background

Historically, Christianity has embraced the doctrine of supersessionism, often referred to as replacement theology.

This perspective implies or explicitly asserts that Christianity has replaced Judaism, effectively claiming that the Mosaic Covenant of the Hebrew Bible has been replaced by the New Covenant in Jesus Christ.

This New Covenant centers around salvation through God's grace, rather than strict obedience to the Torah.

A common thought to this belief is the idea that God's status of "chosen people" has transitioned from the Jewish community to the Christian Church.

Personal Reflections and Scriptural Insight

It is important to note that I DO NOT align with this belief. Even though Israel has rejected Jesus, it has not relinquished its status as God's chosen people. God, in His sovereign nature, does not waver or contradict Himself.

This conviction resonates with Jesus' statements as recorded in the Gospels and Paul's writings.

Matthew 5:17 (AMP) states:

"Do not think that I have come to do away with or undo the Law or the Prophets; I have come not to do away with or undo but to complete and fulfill them."

Additionally, Romans 11:29 (AMP) affirms:

"For God's gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.]"

The Mosaic Covenant, Continuity and Transformation

The heart of supersessionism, wherein the Mosaic Covenant is purportedly annulled, finds varied agreement. Though adherence to God's Commandments may differ among believers, many of the laws of God are still observed, including observance of the Shabbat, some of the kashrut (dietary laws), and observance of other Holy days.

Jesus,  The Fulfillment of the Law

Jesus Christ has inaugurated a way to approach God through grace, a path available to both Jew and Gentile. The Law, as referred to in traditional Judaism, does not offer a direct route to Heaven, especially considering the complexities and challenges of maintaining perfect obedience in our contemporary world. This leads to the profound words of Jesus, where He declared:

John 14:6 AMP

"Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me."


Supersessionism, while historically influential within Christianity, is a complex and nuanced issue. Emphasizing a personal connection with the teachings of Jesus Christ, we can appreciate the ongoing significance of the Jewish tradition while recognizing that salvation is extended to all through Christ's grace.

This stance fosters a deeper understanding of the spiritual connection between Christianity and Judaism and a recognition of the timeless nature of God's promises and covenants.

It opens a dialogue between faith traditions and acknowledges the inherent value and continuity of God's revelation across time.



The Charismatic Christian Beliefs that the gifts (Greek charismata χάρισμα, from charis χάρις, grace) of the Holy Spirit as described in the New Testament are available through the infilling or baptism of the Holy Spirit, with-or-without the laying on of hands.
These spiritual gifts are manifested in the form of signs, miracles, and wonders, including, but not limited to, speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy, healing, and discernment of spirits.
While Pentecostals and charismatics share these beliefs, there are differences.

Many in the charismatic movement deliberately distanced themselves from Pentecostalism for cultural and theological reasons.
Foremost among theological reasons is the tendency of many Pentecostals to insist that speaking in tongues is always the initial physical sign of receiving Spirit baptism.
Although specific teachings will vary from group to group, charismatics generally believe that the baptism with the Holy Spirit occurs at the new birth and prefer to call subsequent encounters with the Holy Spirit by other names, such as "being filled".
In contrast to Pentecostals, charismatics tend to accept one or all of the supernatural experiences (such as prophecy, miracles, healing, or "physical manifestations and the likes") as evidence of having been baptized or filled with the Holy Spirit.
Pentecostals are also distinguished from the charismatic movement on the basis of style.
Also, Pentecostals have traditionally placed a high value on evangelization and missionary work.
Charismatics, on the other hand, have tended to see their movement as a force for revitalization, renewal and spiritual growth within their own church traditions.

Wikipedia charismatic beliefs
with personal additions.

With the neo-Charismatic movement I hold the view that one receives the Holy Spirit at the moment that a person is newly born in Christ. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit in itself, or with other words the outpouring of the grace gifts of ones live will or will not follow directly upon this conversion.
1 Corinthians 2:12 (AMP) “Now we have not received the spirit [that belongs to] the world, but the [Holy] Spirit Who is from God, [given to us] that we might realize and comprehend and appreciate the gifts [of divine favor and blessing so freely and lavishly] bestowed on us by God.”

Spiritual gifts are not the same as the gift of the Spirit. The gift of the Spirit has been bestowed on all believers, and every member of the body should appropriate this gift. The gifts of the Spirit, on the other hand, are distributed as he decides to each person, also there is to note that these Gifts do not necessarily involve the gift of glossolalia (Speaking in Tongues), The Spirit of God gives freely to each need, ability and understanding.
1 Corinthians 12:10-11 (AMP) “To another the working of miracles, to another prophetic insight (the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose); to another the ability to discern and distinguish between [the utterances of true] spirits [and false ones], to another various kinds of [unknown] tongues, to another the ability to interpret [such] tongues.
11 All these [gifts, achievements, abilities] are inspired and brought to pass by one and the same [Holy] Spirit, Who apportions to each person individually [exactly] as He chooses.”

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The Charismatic Movement: A Historical Overview

The emergence of Pentecostalism in the early twentieth century marked a significant shift in Christian spirituality. Characterized by the profound and dramatic experience known as the baptism with the Holy Spirit, this movement underscored empowerment for a devoted Christian life and ministry. Speaking in other tongues served as evidence of having received this divine encounter.
Before 1955, Pentecostal distinctives were largely marginalized by mainstream religious denominations. Open expressions of such views by clergy or church members often led to voluntary or involuntary separation from their established denomination.

However, the charismatic movement, commencing around the mid-20th century, signaled a reversal of this pattern. Those influenced by Pentecostal spirituality chose to retain membership in their original denominations. The first ripple of this new wave was felt within the high church wing of the American Episcopal Church.

Often dated to Easter 1960, the charismatic movement's beginnings can be traced to Dennis Bennett, rector of St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Van Nuys, California. His public recounting of his Pentecostal experience stirred both controversy and media attention, fostering broader awareness of this emerging movement.
The charismatic renewal soon expanded to other mainline churches, where clergy began to receive and publicly share their Pentecostal experiences. Meetings for seekers and healing services, where the sick were prayed for and anointed, became common practices. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal found its genesis in 1967 at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The term "charismatic" itself was crafted by American Lutheran minister Harald Bredesen in 1962 to describe the phenomenon unfolding within mainline Protestant denominations. Confronted with the label "neo-Pentecostal," he preferred to define it as "the charismatic renewal in the historic churches."
Interestingly, although Pentecostals shared many doctrinal affinities with evangelicals rather than Roman Catholics or mainline Protestants, the charismatic movement was slow to gain influence among evangelical churches. Scholar C. Peter Wagner identifies the spread of the charismatic movement within evangelicalism beginning around 1985, coining it as the "Third Wave of the Holy Spirit."
This transformational movement represents a rich tapestry of spiritual experiences and theological perspectives. Its history and influence continue to shape contemporary Christianity, bridging denominational divides and enriching the lives of believers across various traditions.

Crowd celebrating christian gathering and new years eveThe Charismatic Movement and EWCMI: A Messianic Perspective

The Charismatic Movement, as outlined, represents a significant transformation in Christian spirituality. Its emphasis on personal empowerment, divine encounters, and unification across denominations has had a profound impact on various faith traditions. Among these, Eagle Wings Charismatic Ministries International (EWCMI) stands as a testament to the intersection of charismatic renewal and Messianic Judaism.A Charismatic Messianic Ministry

EWCMI is rooted in the principles and practices of the Charismatic Movement, embracing the dynamic encounter with the Holy Spirit typified by speaking in tongues and other spiritual manifestations. However, it goes beyond traditional Charismatic beliefs by intertwining them with Messianic Judaism, creating a unique theological blend that respects and celebrates both Jewish and Christian heritage.

EWCMI: Embracing the Charismatic Experience

At EWCMI, the Charismatic experience is not merely a doctrinal stance but a lived spiritual reality. Congregants are encouraged to seek personal encounters with God, leading to empowerment for service, worship, and daily Christian living. The experience of the baptism with the Holy Spirit is central to this pursuit, fostering a vibrant and intimate relationship with God.

Bridging Christian and Jewish Roots

EWCMI's approach to Charismatic spirituality is enriched by a deep connection to the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Celebrating Jewish feasts, observing Sabbath practices, and studying Hebrew Scriptures are integral to EWCMI's worship and teaching. This fusion enhances the understanding of Scripture, revealing insights that bridge the Old and New Testaments and create a more comprehensive view of God's plan for humanity.

Healing and Renewal Ministries

In line with the Charismatic Movement, EWCMI emphasizes healing and renewal, both spiritually and physically. Through prayer, anointing, and reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit, the ministry seeks to bring wholeness and restoration to those in need. The emphasis on prayer and anointing manifests the Charismatic belief in God's continual action and presence in the lives of believers.

Global Outreach and Unity

EWCMI is committed to spreading the gospel and creating a network of believers unified in the Charismatic Messianic faith. This global outreach is reflective of the Charismatic Movement's emphasis on transcending denominational boundaries and fostering a shared spiritual experience.


Eagle Wings Charismatic Ministries International represents a unique convergence of Charismatic renewal and Messianic Judaism. By embracing the empowerment and spiritual manifestations of the Charismatic Movement and intertwining them with the rich heritage of Jewish tradition, EWCMI offers a holistic and enriched faith experience. Its commitment to teaching, healing, global outreach, and unity positions it as a vibrant example of how the Charismatic Movement continues to shape and inspire contemporary Christian practice across diverse theological landscapes.


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My Theology

Title : My Theology
Subject : The Beliefs and teachings of Christiaan J. de Ruiter
Filename : 20160811-CdR-Theology-r2
Revision : 2.2

The Beliefs and Teachings of Christiaan J. de Ruiter, Th.D.

A Journey of Faith and Enlightenment

Discover the captivating journey of Dr. Christiaan J. de Ruiter, Th.D., an extraordinary pastor whose approach is as straightforward as it gets. With a passion for spreading the message of faith, he fearlessly embraces multiple roles as a preacher, teacher, author, worship leader, musician, and vocalist. His dedication to perfection in his ministry, while knowing true perfection lies only in Jesus, drives him to seek divine guidance in everything he does.

Pastor Chris

Pastor Chris, as he is affectionately known, cherishes simplicity and the timeless elegance of the 30s and 40s. His commitment to a frugal lifestyle and self-sufficiency allows him to focus on serving God and His people. An affinity for rodeos and the genuine straightforwardness of cow punchers add a unique touch to his personality.

Amidst the confusion prevalent in today's world, where many attend churches without truly understanding their pastors' beliefs, Christiaan stands out by his transparency. He is unapologetic about his theology, which represents the core of his preaching and what he wholeheartedly believes in.

Faith and Teaching

The document you are about to explore aims to demystify the essence of his faith and teachings, offering a window into the beliefs and values that guide his ministry. Dive into his spiritual quest, where he navigates through sacred scriptures and life experiences, shaping his profound beliefs and unwavering dedication.

This compilation is a treasure trove of wisdom, sourced from various resources, both public and personal reflections. As you delve into these profound teachings, Christiaan hopes you find clarity, inspiration, and a deeper connection to your faith journey.

May the wisdom shared in this document illuminate your path and strengthen your bond with the Creator. Together, let us explore the profound beliefs and enlightening teachings that have shaped Christiaan J. de Ruiter's life's mission

 Salvation Army CrestThe beginning

Dr. Christiaan J. de Ruiter hails from the Netherlands, where he grew up in a devout family actively attending the Salvation Army. There, he discovered his passion for music and ministry. After moving to the United States, his involvement with the Salvation Army continued, leading him on ministry trips across the western US, spreading the gospel through word and song. However, a deeper calling prompted him to explore more profound spiritual depths.
Free Will Baptist LogoFree Will Baptist LogoEncouraged by his close friend, Dr. J.B. Davidson, Christiaan faced a pivotal moment of decision. Should he embrace his true calling to pastor a church and devote himself entirely to Christ? Through prayerful reflection and divine guidance, New Beginnings Christian Center in Murray, Utah, emerged as a result, bringing much-needed ministry in prayer and healing. Unfortunately, family circumstances led to the dissolution of this ministry when he relocated to Texas in 2007.

Personal Growth and Challenges

Yet, driven by personal growth and challenges, Christiaan founded a small church that blossomed into Eagle Wings Charismatic Ministries International. In 2009, amidst tumultuous political times, the ministry obtained its 501(c)(3) status, securing its legitimacy despite government scrutiny.

Over the years, Dr. de Ruiter's dedication to spreading spiritual wisdom led to the publication of several Bible study books. His first work, "Power in His Wings," delves into the profound significance of the Prayer-Shawl, the Tallit. In 2013, he became an American citizen, solidifying his commitment to the country he now called home.

The ministry expanded its reach through various mediums, with the website receiving thousands of monthly visitors, and the radio station attracting over 30,000 listeners in 2021. His publications, including "Blood on the Door," an exploration of the Mezuzah, and a book on being a Christian Fruit-Hanger, have touched the lives of many seeking spiritual growth.

Rewrites and New publications

In 2023, Dr. de Ruiter's dedication to excellence led to a complete re-write of "Power in His Wings," with three formats now available, catering to diverse readers. Moreover, the translation of his works into his native Dutch language broadened their reach, fostering a global impact.

From the upcoming book "The Road to In-Dependence" emerges a powerful narrative of faith, providing profound insights into Christiaan J. de Ruiter's teachings and beliefs. Join him on this faith-filled journey that resonates with readers worldwide.


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